AET/RET Promotion Project.

Project Partner


Total Project Cost

NRS 990,000 (Total)

Start Date

August, 2004


Ending Date

June, 2005

Target Group

Community People.

Major Achivements

  • 23 LRPs were institutionalized.
  • 110 volunteers were mobilized.
  • 5 district level network formed,


  • Institutionalization of LRPs.
  • Mobilization of volunteers for RET awareness.
  • Coordinate and linkage with others for RET promotion agencies like DDC, VDC and other NGOs, Private Sectors.

Project Location

Achham,Manang,Lamjung,Parbat,Argakhanchi and Sindhuli etc.


Participation of Women and DAG

Yes. Most of the volunteers mobilized for the awareness raising are women and DAG.