Poverty Reduction Support Project (PASP).

Project Partner

Poverty Alleviation Fund

Total Project Cost

NRS  13,98,120.(Annual)

Start Date 21

21 August , 2007


Ending Date

March 2018

Target Group

Extremely Poverty Alleviated Community People.


  • To reduce extreme forms of poverty from program district

Major Achivements

⦁ 35 local level interaction conducted ,
⦁ 87 COs are functional of Janjaties (indigenous).
⦁ 4 capacity development activities were conducted for COs and Pos staffs.
⦁ 1860 community members initiated the income generation activities.
⦁ 22 community infrastructures have been constructed.


⦁ Institutional facilitation to COs
⦁ Conduct different training for COs.
⦁ Conduct different training for PO staffs.
⦁ Facilitate the construction of rural infrastructures.
⦁ Facilitate conduction of IGAs

    Project Location

    Bannigadhi Gayagadh Rural Municipality 3 Darna, Mellekh Rural municipality 1 and 2 Rishidaha and Chaurpati Rural Municipality 1 Siudi in Achham district


    Participation of Women and DAG

    As one of the objectives of this program is to institutional facilitation for women users committee, this program is directly and indirectly linked up for the active participation of women and DAG too.