Rural Village Water Resource Management Project- WUMP.
Project Partner
RVWRMP FINIDA/Rural Municipality Turmakhand
Total Project Cost
NRS 1,693,600
Start Date
Falgun 2073
Ending Date
Bhadra 2075
Project Detail
Target Group
Pro-poor community.
To facilitate and Prepare Master plan for constriction of water supply schemes as well as support for total sanitation and hygiene for local communities.
Major Achivements
- Implementation of water supply projects.
- Raising the Health and hygiene class and awareness activities.
- Conducted the Total sanitation Campaign in respective VDCs.
Participation of Women and DAG
Yes. Women and DAG are participated in each stage of the project.
- Institutional development for water resource management andsustainable drinking water supply
- Initiate awareness activities (personal health and hygiene etc)
- Conduct different trainings
- Formation different community based groups and raising the Awareness program, Training and Health hygiene class.
- Delivery of drinking water supply projects.
- Conduct the Total Sanitation campaigns.
- Water source protection and conservation of catchments areas
Project Location
Turmakhand Rural Municipality, Achham