Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Programme
(RWSSIP)( Implementation Phase).
Project Partner
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board(RWSSFDB),
Total Project Cost
NRS. 18,356,651
Start Date
Ending Date
Target Group
Pro-poor Rural community.
To facilitate for constriction of water supply schemes as well as support for total sanitation and hygiene for local communities.
Major Achivements
- Continued the regular sanitation class to class to different groups in Scheme areas.
- Conducted the environment awareness activities to Scheme level users groups.
- Support to the training and Orientation to different groups in implementation phase program.
- Regular follow up the saving and IG activities to WTSS Group.
- Implementation the survey and design of 4 Water supply and sanitation Schemes.
Participation of Women and DAG
Yes. Women and DAG are participated in each stage of the project.
- Institutional facilitation
- Initiate awareness activities (personal health and hygiene, child care etc.)
- Conduct different trainings
- Formation WTSS group and Initiated saving and IG activities.
- Formation of MCTG and provide the regular Hygiene and sanitation class.
- Facilitate the construction of W/S systems.
Project Location
- Punchipuri Municipality ward No: 4,5,&6,Babiyachaur Surkhet
- Lekhbesi Municipality ward no: 3 & 4 Dasratpur,Surkhet
- Gurvakot Municipality ward no: 4,5 & 9 Sahara, Surkhet
- Chigad Rural municipality Ward no: 5 Awalching, Surkhet