SASEC/TSEP South Asia Sub Regional Economic cooperation/Power System Expansion project.

Project Partner


Total Project Cost

NRS  25,11,040 (Annual )

Start Date18

16 July, 2015


Ending Date

15 July, 2017

Target Group

Rural Pro-poor people especially women.


  • Project wider objective

    • Improved quality life of selected rural community through Mini hydro energy.
    • Increase in Access of Community people in off-Grid based renewal energy.
    • Enhance capacity of community in local resource management.

    Project specific objectives

    Off-grid project object will be increased electricity access in Nepal through Alternative energy sector.

Major Achivements

  • Baseline survey
    • Khatyad khola Mini Hydro power at Mugu
    • Giri Khola Mini Hydro Power at Jumla
    • Solar Mini Grid at Gutu ,Surkhet.
  • Demand Collection of Solar mini grid at Kalikot .
  • 30 Saving group formation at Giri Khola Min Hydro Project at Jumla.
  • Support and facilitation Transmission and distribution at Mini hydro and solar project.
  • Cash collected by community of Mini hydro power project at Girikhola, Jumla.

Project Location

Demand Based on RSC working areas i.e (Humla, Jumla, Mugu, Kalikot, Surkhet, Jajarkot, Dailekh, Banke and Bardiya 


Participation of Women and DAG

In Nepal most of energy source is fuel wood specially used for cooking purpose and traditional way of cooking has various negative impacts. So for the reduction of such negative impacts, Biomass Energy Program had been implemented in this district. In context of Nepal, Women are specially engaged for cooking purpose rather than men. So this project has been directly benefited the women.