Social Accountability of Local Government (SALG) Joint venture with COMAT.

Project Partner

European Union/Nepal Delegation 

Total Project Cost

NRS 961037 (Annual)

Start Date

June  2011


Ending Date

May 2015

Target Group

Local Government Bodies and Local Service Providers.


  • The overall objective of SALG is to enhance downward accountability of the local bodies and local service providers.

Major Achivements

  • People, especially DAGs’, access to information about their public service entitlements and also about their civic roles and responsibilities will be strengthened.
  • CBOs employ innovative/pilot mechanisms to engage people, especially DAGs, in LA’s, annual planning processes.
  • CBOs’ increased engagement in and oversight of VDC block grants selection (Output 3.1) and DAGs’ increased capacity to submit better block grants (BG) proposals (Output 3.2) will be promoted.
  • CSOs to oversee VDC’s compliance with Citizen Charter guidelines and commitments by using complementary set of SA tools.
  • Local CSO’s capacity in advocacy, compliance monitoring and SA tools facilitation is strengthened.
  • Local media (radio, print) to feature good governance, SA and social inclusion issues regularly.
  • Project generates and documents relevant data and lessons learned to support SDC’s policy dialogue initiatives on LG and SA.
  • Project establishes a link with the donor agencies and national civil society org.


  • Facilitate for increasing the engagement of people, especially from DAG with local bodies (LBs) and line agencies (LAs) to exercise their rights and responsibilities to development
  • Facilitate the citizens and communities to hold their local governance actors accountable
  • Facilitate for making the enabling environment for a better (mandatory) application of SA tools ensuring transparency and accountability at the local level as a result of project field experiences.

    Project Location

    Achham, Kalikot, Dailekh, Janjarkto, Surkhet, Sindhuli, Ramechhap, Khotang and Okhaldhunga.


    Participation of Women and DAG

    Yes. Most of the volunteers mobilized for the awareness raising are women and DAG.